Idk, but here's some characters I just like for one reason or another
Hover for more info as to why

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Gotta watch Last Exile to get the full picture but every aspect of this guy just vibes with me. Carefree attitude but expressing emotion when it's meaningful to him. He does what he wants and gets great character building later on

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A lot of parts about Teto are pretty cool; her role as not a vocaloid, but still her rather small but interested fans that can make some really great music with her. Clumsy girl that's always positive, and great voice. 2000s and onward icon. also baguettes and bread in general is rlly rlly good

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People on the internet diagnose this guy with a bunch of mental problems, but I just diagnose him with funny little man. Reading some things that this guy did is what initially got me interested in playing danganronpa, and man was he the highlight of the second game.

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Very lighthearted girl. While she doesn't look so much at the big picture, she's very passionate about her interests and making meaningful connections with people

like every neocities sites has one of these i gotta have something similar

Bonus shrines: