Va-11 Hall-a
One of my abosulute favorite games of all time. It's a visual novel with really cool aesthetics, absolutely jammin chill music that you can just vibe to for hours, amazing characters that you get invested into from the eyes of a bartender, calming dialogue and overall atmosphere, everything about it is just so amazing and makes me feel safe. Best played while comfy in bed or when it's raining

Ace Attorney but edgy. Ok but actually Danganronpa is a really good investigative and trial game that personally gave me more of a rush in trials than Phoenix Wright. It has a really cool and unique art style and the story is pretty good, I recommend playing the fan translated version on an actual psp system 'cause the real translation can get pretty corny

Portal takes the simple mechanic of being able to place 2 portals and creates a hella fun puzzle game with an amazing story around it. Fun to go back and see how fast you can complete chambers to just mess around. Portal 2 is extremely good too but the introductory game of the mechanics deserves this spot on my list

People are quick to dismiss this entry in the series because "the driving is bad", but the overall vibe you get from the city and the amazing story is more than enough to make up for any gripes you may have while handling a car. GTA V is fun to play for it's simplicity, almost like an arcade game, but GTA IV is one that will get you invested in the world around you and leave you questioning your decisions

Tiny & Big
Rlly cool 3d puzzle platformer where you have to literally cut up and drag the environment around to maneuver around. Big fan of the sections where you're cutting up massive blocks from cliffsides. Very fitting soundtrack and artstyle too

You're living under a rock if you havent heard of minecraft by now, but a recent resurgance in popularity of the game has got me to look back on it and how great it really is. Though I don't care about many new updates, Minecraft is a game with unlimited possibilities and will always have it's place for me through nostalgia

One of my favorite racing games right now. I suck at the harder difficulties but it's so satisfying to weave in and out of bendy turns in a levitating spacecraft while going stupidly fast. The soundtrack is nuts too

Crazy audiovisual experience. Simple on rails 3d shooter that has you flying around "hacking a system" while the controller pulses to the beat of some techno track. Play it while high if you can

Ghost Trick
Ace Attorney but with environment manupulation puzzles instead of evidence analysis ones. (I really gotta stop using ace attourney for comparisons.) But seriously it's insane that more people don't know about this game, was even written by the same guy that wrote for Ace Attorney. But prolly a good idea to download it (carts are expensive)

Road Trip Adventure
Better than Forza. Better than Gran Turismo. Similar formula where you have to win bigger races and buy better parts but the rest of the game is amazing: Open world, minigame side quests, and rlly rlly good NPC writing. I named my protag Carbuncle

Dance dance revolution
Not super popular because you need a mat controller, but a very good rhythm game that get's insanely fun to master the more complicated charts. I only wish that there was a version with more songs so I wouldn't have to swap games so often

Last Exile
The first anime I had ever watched, so I may be a little bias, but it has really good characters, story, art style, and it all takes place in a sort of futuristic almost steampunk world with all sorts of cool flying vehicles. It'll take a good amount of time on the wiki afterwards to fully understand everything but it's highly worth watching, despite a slow start into the main plot

Generic hot-rod-guy-enters-race-to-win-the-girl plot, but its how everything is presented that makes this movie great. Every inch of adrenaline that the characters are feeling you also feel, the sound, the animation , the sheer speed, everything you feel resonating directly to you. Not to mention it also has a kick ass funky soundtrack, and a truly amazing comic book style that's characteristic of madhouse's animation. Give it a watch, it's worth it

Read or Die OVA
Very short but it's very good for what it is. Girl that's definitely not neurotypical and loves books must track down a manuscript stolen by some secret group using her ability to control paper with her mind. Unique concept and story, and great 2000s art too. Only complaint is needs more yuri

Perfect Blue
Psychological thriller about a parasocial attachment to a diva-turned-actor. Probably my favorite Satoshi Kon film as it actually cinematically integrates the "blending of dreams and reality" portion instead of shoving it in your face. (Sorry but Paprika was a letdown, cool animation tho)

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Another Madhouse movie. Extremely beautiful art and story. Takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in which gothic architecture and vampires have re-prevailed, complete with road warrior type bounty hunters competing with our half-vampire protagonist. The Movie runtime actually plays in it's favour, Hellsing was just too drawn out

Pop Team Epic
Pure shitpost humor, Short clips most comparable to robot chicken, but with 2 anime girls with overly detailed hands. Such well crafted jokes that I had to buy both the english manga

I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting but it turned out to be so much cooler than whatever I was thinking. There's an explosion every 20 minutes. My friend described it as "feeling like a live action movie" which puts it well. The color grading and composition is just so grande and cool.

Hells (2008)
Anime girl late for school bread in mouth hit by truck type deal but she gets sent straight to hell. There's a character named Hellvis. The story isn't the best in the world but it's got nuts animation that looks straight out of the manga. I also didn't know this until after watching it but it's officially dubbed by the team behind Hellsing Abridged and all that

Panty and stocking
Imagine the powerpuff girls, but for a much more mature audience. By the talented artists that are now at studio trigger, I just love all the nonstop action it has. Hopefully season two comes out soon

Princess Tutu
A little bit of a break from my usual stuff, tumblr was saying this was good and it was. Nothing extraordinary about it but it's a sweet story with nice characters. It took me too long to realize Ahiru meant a type of duck in japanese

Serial Experiments Lain
If you're on neocities there's a good chance you've heard of this one already. Between real life and internet personas, which is the real you? Is there even a real you? Also what if there was an alien in a t-shirt

Madoka Magica
Incredibly influencial story as a young girl growing up. Well animated, amazing story. Go into it with the intent to watch a magical girl story, 'cause after all, that's what it is

Sub or dub? If you care about my opinion for some reason click here

Usually before watching something new I'll check online too see if people enjoyed the sub or dub better, 'cause at least with the stuff I watch it varies heavily from one to the other. For some examples,

  • Last Exile can sound a li'l cheesy in the dub
  • Read or Die sounds good either way
  • Akira has two dubs but both of them and the subs are a bit mediocre
  • Hells was officially dubbed by a group that would just dub stuff for fun in their free time so the dub is rlly good
  • Ghost Stories was lame as hell so the dub was full of jokes and their own running gags
  • Tokyo Godfathers took forever to get a dub but when they did they actually cast a trans woman to voice the trans woman and it was rlly good
  • Danganronpa I can't stand their li'l quips in english so I play with the japanese audio
  • Pop Team Epic releases two version voiced by different people each episode so it's worth it to just watch it all.

Most of the time people will just say that either is good, at which point I'll usually just watch the dub 'cause a lot of stuff I watch has cool visuals, but that's a personal preference, and I find looking it up helpful for rare cases in which one or the other is either really good or egregiously bad.

It would take all day for me to list every music artist I listen to, but here's my modern playlist and a playlist from a year or two ago. Some notable artists include Femtanyl, Utsu-P, Hard-Fi, Hitomitoi, Atarashii Gakko, some teto stuff, and a lot of misc, though not all I listen to is included in these playlists

Spookisaki ​ This monstrosity is actually what made me inclined to make a website in the first place. I have no affiliation to them but the aura of this site spoke to me

Dots Dots Dots ​ Javascript keyboard rhythm game that's random each time. I never got very far past the rainbow part but it's very addicting. My current high score is 97

Tane ​ Amazing website art project, along with a relatable reason as to why it exists at the end. I've been meaning to make a video that even matches this level for years. View with flash if you can, I'm using pale moon to do so ​ It's milk dot com. I check this regularly for the hourly kitten

Ginetticon ​ (Archive) The only person I stan. I use the various gifs as reaction images regularly

Yamaha papercrafts ​ Official designs from the motorbike company. My favorite is the stag beetle. They have a lot of other papercrafts but they don't seem to have one page that shows them all anymore

17776 ​ A football story. A story about what makes us human in a world where there's no looming end. What do you do when nothing needs to be done

¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° ​ Helpful sites for web development ​ °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

GRsites ​ Used to be the best place to find free sounds, repeating textures, etc. I think they even had a section for mouse cursors. They shut down recently but The link goes to a backup of the textures, which is really helpful for sites with geocities vibes

JS-ViNE ​ A JavaScript Visual Novel Engine that's embeddable into a site instead of needing to be downloaded. Used on the about page and with the Life Simulator. If you do make anything with this lmk I'm interested in seeing your creations ​ Downloadable software that's a good middle ground between mspaint and photoshop. Still very easy to use but doesnt contain some things like a smudge tool. Nearly everything on twelve men is made in it

Label Generator ​ Cool site for generating text graphics that look like they were made with an old label maker. Used on the old home page

Popup Generator ​ Great place for making fake win98 and XP error popups, and there's a few other cool generators on the site (did atomsmasher go down? (anyways here's one someone else made))

uBlock Origin ​ Just in case you don't have adblock yet, makes the internet so much easier to navigate that it's shocking when I use something without it

Textanim and Bloggif ​ Good sites for making gif text with lots of textures and fonts. Formerly used on various pages and is pretty good for and older geocities look

Gifcities ​ Archive of tons of old gifs from old geocities sites. Pretty neat way to find some cool geocities sites or gifs that you might like or for your website

EZgif ​ Very easy to use site for gif operations, making, cropping, overlaying, optimizing, and a lot more. A majority of the gifs on twelve men have been made with this

Check out these

Amazing movie, insanely good shot composure especially for black and white and a very unique brand of horor on top of commentary of modern society. My friend left remarks such as "A beautiful story about the wonders of procreation" and "Maybe not the movie to watch while high" The lesson I got out of it is to remember to wear a condom folks

Love Exposure
Guy takes a side gig in upskirt photography to challege his catholic upbringing, joins a gang which leads him to a fight where, in full crossdress, he falls in love with a girl. And this is just the first hour (it's 4 hours long) it gets way more insane from here. I didn't even mention the cult stuff

The Devils
Rated X mainly bc it bashes the church a lot. Bizarre retelling of 17th century witch trials and mass hysteria within society and the church. The sets are also insane

Art comedy(?) film about a garage sale. That's all you need to know. Watch it while stoned as fuck.
Click to watch it free on youtube

2001: a space odyssey
Did not know this was made alongside a novel in the 60s, but it definitely feels like it. Lots of cinematic spaceship shots like it's a love letter to science fiction. Another thing I didn't know is that the whole HAL debacle is only like half the plot. Great experience I'll put it like that

The Holy Mountain (1973)
Absurdist sporadic societal commentary. Rated R for probably every reason something can be rated R. If someone tried to make something like this nowadays I don't think they would make it past pitching even one scene. The director was on psychedelics making it. I took psychedelics watching it and the movie didn't stop until hours after it ended. I manufacture and sell weapons

Shot in Garry's Mod. Wondering how this is gonna feel in 20 years but is a good callback for the first 20. Fun story, cinematography, and light message. If you were born 2000-2005 or so go watch it now
Click to watch it free on youtube

I Saw the TV Glow
Probably the most hold a psychological horror has had on me ever. "20 years later" "she buried herself and the show ended" fucking hell. Tears dropping to the floor

Red Dwarf
I don't read many "normal" books, but when asked to in high school, Red Dwarf was a very good choice. Based off a TV show, it takes place with our antihero Lister aboard a mining ship, before the entire crew gets nuclearly decimated and he wakes up millions of years later where he's the only human alive. Very comedic and likable characters

The Mario Movie

I have this on dvd. Unironically I rlly love the design of everything in this movie

Lmk if you have anything to recommend too!

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