Ok this one needs a bit of backstory otherwise it's just a li'l absurd. My very first chicken farm in this world was for eggs only. Two vats in which a bunch of chickens are flotating, and when they lay an egg it drops through the water and into a water channel that gets hopper'd into a bunch of chests. This is extremely easy to make and mildly self sustaining since it outputs it's required input, though after I got enough eggs that I'd ever conceivably need I ended up killing all the chickens in favor of other farms, mainly since a lot of chickens flapping in water creates a lot of lag.

My next chicken farm fed into the self-sustaining idea, as I made a basic dispenser circuit that continuously shoots out eggs while there's still some in a chest. This puts the chickens into a li'l field surrounded by a wall, fire, and then another wall, since mobs like to clip through walls after growing up. This was a pretty convenient source of food and eggs, and as I'd figure out, exp. This was duing a time in which my main exp source was a two layer mob grinder at home base, and a zombie spawner that was even slower than the mob grinder. Calculations were made and construction began at my desert outpost for the next iteration.

I was a little too hopeful, and with my math I figured I would be able to produce a machine that outputs 1 chicken per second, making use of 8 dispensers and 8 vats containing thousands of chickens, and many inventories worth of eggs to be transported here just to create the supply chickens.

I think I got like 1/4 of the way there before my computer just couldn't handle the chickens anymore, so I scaled it down and redirected it so that the central pit the chickens would get spawned into would also serve as the supply pit, sending any collected eggs directly to the top and back into the a dispenser, allowing it to run continuously, later I upgraded to two dispenser elevators instead of one as an easy way to double efficiency.

This was a very fast way to get to 30 levels, with a minimum amount of chickens without reducing supply of around 500, and a maximum amount of chickens before any lag being around 1000. Main issue being it needed around 40 minutes to refill before they could be harvested again. (ouch) Not an absurd farm time considering like wheat and such but really unbearable if you needed to enchant or repair multiple items, so an upgrade was needed bad

So I got a li'l ambitious (and an i7.) I figured that if the chickens were kept out of render distance of the player but still close enough to be active and laying eggs, it would greatly increase the amount of chickens that could be in one spot with minimal lag. So I devised a tower structure with a mass of chickens at the top funneling chicks into a shaft in which they gently fall down to ground level to be killed. This has the added benefit of the chickens being mostly grown by the time they get to the bottom (esp with the use of cobwebs)

Up top there's 2000 chickens, the structure itself can handle nearly twice that but sadly my cpu cannot. Including the ones accumulating in the shaft that makes for roughly 2500 chickens at any time. The flow can be turned off but then it starts to accumulate eggs and lags it out, and it'd usually be better to let it run continuously anyway. Even with this though I'll get around 25 fps or so on the ground, but less than 1 fps if I have to go up top for any reason. Perfectly usable if kept at an outpost

Gonna post a few more photos of the thing. My friend told me to lean into the cross shaped imagery kinda like how evangelion does, and it leaves a structure that definitely has presense. The striped colors giving off the vibes of some coastal warning structure or hints of the nuclear power we're almost tapping into here. Very distictly unnatural. Very distictly powerful. Very distictly dangerous.

I might just be running out of things to do in this verion but absurd mega projects like this are super fun

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