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Stuff my design is inspired by:
The Designers Republic
70s reel to reel tape boxes
old Sony packaging
00s gaming and japanese fashion mags
eBoy and Nitrome
60s-80s computer design and ads
street & hazard signs & labels
Massimo Vignelli
Richard Danne
Stuff that happens to have
similar vibes to my site:

a Dymo labeller ad
Tarantino film openings
Shin Godzilla Resurgence posters
The Orange Box site
Killer 7
Persona games
Ocean's Eleven posters
Colin McRae Rally 04

Digital mockup for recc. page redesign

Early renditions while making the art for the men-tan desktop buddy (along with earlier version of my icon pack) mockup of a fashion page redesign so I remember what I'm doing when arranging it

The original logo I almost used, and the typewriter text scanned in that was digitally edited into the red light logo

Fun Fact: i have never used a vector!
Twelve Men is entirely comprised of raster artwork

Home page concept based on the redesign Dariabot made. Thinking abt ways to make the barcode animated too

Some doodles for the random chance homepage logos, top one is actually used

Some funky simplistic men based off the secondary logo. Never had something to use em for though.
A lot of this stuff is just doodles in notebooks during school

Asset mock-up that's actually pretty close to the final one

Character sheet for men-tan along with art that was later digitized

Fun Fact:
i've never had a grand plan for the site
kinda just add whatever
(maybe this parallels real life?)

Concept for an infinite-scroll homepage as it'd be cool to have the main focus be a blog, never could think of a way to impliment it that's better than what we got rn tho

Concept for a scrolling 45° update log, which I made code for but never used, along with a simple concept for the compatability chart on the extras page

Sketch for the halloween logo

Comic art ideas but neither me nor my friend could think of any good plots

Card designs used briefly on the possessions page

Photo for the home page. Taken on the roof of my rx7 because it was quicker than setting up a table in the sunlight

From when I was moving everything over to the RED II update

Original mockup for the RED II home page

Fun Fact: twelve men is organic

Twelve Men Moblie concepts, or at least a centralized page that holds everything

Old logo idea from when I was brainstorming a Twelve Men 3

Some basic character designs from when I was thinking about making a more in-depth VN

Concepts for a face logo, I tried and failed to incorperate the number "12" into the shapes

A logo animation that I was thinking about using for video intros. Never made anything that rlly fit the vibe though

Navbar ideas, I still really wanna use that last one with a white background with each slice being a color from yellow to orange to brown

Original "two segment" designs for the stuff page icons back when it was still the interests page. This actually predates the icons on the gallery page

Mockup for the directory featuring the old page colors

Navbar I tried out with matching red-chrome buttons. It was so unfitting I got rid of it immediately

Bored sketches from a second old math notebook, which shows that a lot of my medium is happenstace from what I have available at the time

Fun Fact: twelve men was considered a seperate
entity or "persona" until the events of April 2024

Clip for a promo short I never made

Bored sketches from an old math notebook, reminds me of when I had enough time to kill that I could be doing this in class

Original html mockup of the old nav bar

Image from one of the first 404 pages, taken at a local laundromat and heavily gif compressed

The original Twelve Men button

More recent stuff is posted closer to the top

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