
Human knowledge is a self digging pit. The more we eventually learn and figure out, the more we know that we do not know.

The heat death of the universe is expected to occur as a result of entropy. Energy cannot be produced, and only used transitionally, with loss of energy in the form of heat as a byproduct due to inefficiencies.

With each transaction, a little bit of energy is lost in the form of heat, with the toal heat in the universe increasing, and the total energy decreasing. Eventually it will reach a state in which there is no more energy left that is able to produce work, and the entire universe will reach a state of equilibrium where every piece of matter is equidistant and equated.

This is based on the laws of entropy, but also assumes that the universe is a closed system, and neglects to understand how the universe was created in the first place. The thought mimics transaction on earth, such as liquids in a pot slowly blending into a mixture, though it's impossible to know how the liquids were produced in the first place.

If the universe is in nothing, what allowed the production of something?

Breaking Laws

If entropy cannot be stopped, this makes me think a lot about resources on earth. If we are finite, and we will eventually reach a state in which we do not have enough energy to continue moving, living, and thriving, then the same goes for anything we pull out of the ground.

Fossile fuels will disapper rather quickly, and I wonder how humanity is going to adapt. Our current way of life may be different, pysically no longer possible due to the lack of matter available.

Objects with much longer lifespans, the sun, the wind, the movement of water, will all eventually also stop.

Are we living in the best times? Despite constant horrible wars and opression, is the abundance of energy going to mark our period in history as something special? Would it be better to die out before the universe reaches such a point?

It's very human, very representative of any matter in this universe, that we will be here for some amount of time, before ceasing to be. Whether it be a single lifetime, or the entire span of humanity. If there's nothing else out there, nothing else "alive" in a way that we can comprehend, then we will exist for ourselves, exist just to exist.

I keep going, because the alternative is to not.
